MMXX Journal
Finding Nick Marshall
In 1960 John Steinbeck wrote a book called ’Travels with Charley’. The book depicts a roadtrip made by Steinbeck throughout the US starting from Long Island, New York through Maine all the way to to the pacific Northwest. Going through California he travelled back to New York through the deep south. The objective for Steinbeck, among others, was to re-explore the personality and the landscape of his own country and meet the people first hand. The series ‘Finding Nick Marshall’ is inspired by that journey, and the trip Steinbeck made in 1960. The series explores the rural and urban US landscape trying to suggest a story rooted in both fascination and history.
A new introduction to the 50th anniversary edition of the book cautioned readers that ”it would be a mistake to take this travelogue too literally, as Steinbeck was at heart a novelist.” → Wikipedia
→ Travels with Charley
Since the beginning of times it has been a basic instinct within man to be self-reliant and independent. The idea of being able to establish and maintain your living terms and conditions no matter what happens around you. For some people this means to stockpile food and water, prepare for self-sufficiency, and build structures that will help you survive anything. The series ‘TEOTWAWKI’ depicts the survivalist/prepper culture in the american midwest. People who are actively preparing for emergencies as well as possible disruptions in social or political order, on scales ranging from local to international. Insufficient help from government institutions such as when hurricane Katrina made its second landfall in southeast Louisiana in 2005 and other, serves as examples as why everyone need to help themselves when disaster strikes.
(The End Of The World As We Know It)
→ Feature in danish newspaper Information
→ Interview on BTRtoday
Caledonia Jane
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